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Reddit Keyword Alerts & Monitoring

Be a part of the conversation
when it happens.

No credit card required

Notikey image tracking dashboard
Notikey - Get notified when your keywords are mentioned on Reddit | Product HuntUneed POTD1 Badge

Instant Alerts

Join the conversation when it matters so you can start generating leads

Finetuned Focus

Focus on the subreddits that matter to your audience with precise keyword matching

Simple Pricing

Straighforward and simple pricing means you only pay for features you need

Get involved with your customers and begin growing your brand

responding to reddit comment alert notification

Your customers are on Reddit and getting involved in the conversations they're having early on is one the best ways to organically and authentically grow your brand and product.

These interactions will also drive new customers over time as people search for the same question on google and see your product mentioned.

How it works

Get alerted automatically when your keywords are mentioned on the subreddits you choose providing you the opportunity to become a part of the conversation when and where it matters.

Notikey dashboard
  1. 1
    Choose the subreddits you want to monitor with the keywords that matter to you
  2. 2
    Get alerted you when any of your keywords are mentioned
  3. 3
    You can engage with your audience early and often in order to drive the conversation and generate qualified leads.


Basic Monitor

Try it out
No credit card required
  • 1 Monitor
  • Up to 5 keywords
  • Up to 3 subreddits
  • Daily notifications


Bulk keyword monitoring
  • Up to 15 keywords
  • Up to 10 subreddits
  • Instant notifications
  • Daily notifications
Limited time offer